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Our REMAsters

Gazmen Haziri


„Varnishing, for me, is all about precision and patience.“

Sometimes, all it takes is a tiny adjustment to achieve the perfect result – and that challenge is what excites me every single day. I’ve been working as a varnisher at REMA TIP TOP since 2023 and particularly enjoy the cross-departmental collaboration. Every project is different, which makes my work so varied.


I’m constantly learning, whether it’s during sandblasting or varnishing, and I get insights into the production of a wide range of products. This not only makes my job more diverse but also broadens my perspective – I get to see how everything connects and what it takes to ensure the final result is just right. This teamwork and professional exchange within the company are a huge benefit for me.


Varnishing requires patience and a keen eye for detail. For me, there’s hardly anything more satisfying than seeing the finished product perfectly meet the requirements.

Get to know our REMAsters.

Lutz Bölke

Service technician REMACLEAN department

Selver Kovacevic

Service technician REMACLEAN department

Justin Wegener

Service technician REMACLEAN department