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Our REMAsters

Lutz Bölke

Service technician REMACLEAN department

"I've been part of the team in Nauen since 2016, contributing my decades of experience as a metalworker and fitter to the steel construction department. Whether it's the production of individual parts, assembly and welding modules or the maintenance of conveyor belt systems - my work is as varied as the challenges our customers set us.


In 2024, at the age of 64, I embraced a new challenge and transitioned to the REMACLEAN department as a service technician. There, I oversee conveyor belt systems throughout the entire production chain: from manufacturing drawings to assembly and on-site commissioning. My goal? Seamless workflows, clean systems, and products that are used around the globe.


I particularly value the collaboration with our young, dynamic colleagues – it keeps me young and motivated. The combination of diverse tasks, technical precision, and close connections with our customers makes my job truly unique."

Get to know our REMAsters.

Selver Kovacevic

Service technician REMACLEAN department

Justin Wegener

Service technician REMACLEAN department

Tobias Braun

General Manager