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70th Anniversary: REMA TIP TOP Celebrates Success Story

Zwei Arbeiter in roter Arbeitsuniform mit Warnweste stehen neben Förderband

Poing, near Munich, November 24th, 2023. Since 1953, REMA TIP TOP of North America has evolved from a wholesaler and importer to a key player in the region. Reason enough for the company to celebrate with employees, customers and partners throughout 2023.

Conveyor Specialist Flexpro AS Becomes REMA TIP TOP Industry AS

Nahaufnahme eines Förderbandes mit Steinen

Poing, near Munich, October 10th, 2023. Flexpro AS, part of the REMA TIP TOP Group since 2016 and REMA TIP TOP's only approved supplier and partner in Norway for the industry division, will now be renamed REMA TIP TOP Industry AS, thus strengthening their position in the European materials processing market.

Interview: Steel Alternatives for Wear Protection in Conveyor Systems

Rico Harting präsentiert Material

Poing bei München, 26. September 2023. Stahl gilt als Material der Wahl, um Oberflächen in Förderanlagen für schwere Materialien gegen Verschleiß zu schützen. In der Praxis stößt Stahl jedoch in vielen Fällen an seine Grenzen. Rico Harting, Produktmanager bei REMA TIP TOP entwickelt seit vielen Jahren Lösungen für den effizienten und nachhaltigen Verschleißschutz in Förderanlagen.

Dubai: REMA TIP TOP shapes Future Strategy for Surface Protection


Poing, near Munich, September 5th, 2023. Dubai hosted a 5-day conference where REMA TIP TOP, a global leader in industrial surface protection, set its strategic course. Executives from around the world gathered to discuss pioneering solutions, the company's strategic vision and its future direction.

More Sustainability in Cycling: Repair Flat Tires Instead of Buying New Ones

Reifenreparatursets gestapelt auf Baumstumpf

Poing, near Munich, August 3rd, 2023. What to do in case of a flat tire? The tire repair experts at REMA TIP TOP recommend repairing punctured tubes instead of disposing them too quickly. REMA TIP TOP has been developing high-quality products for the repair of bicycle tires for over 100 years and demonstrates in its new video how the repair can be done easily and quickly.

1 Year after the Acquisition of Swiss Polytechnic AG: REMA TIP TOP Takes Stock


Poing, near Munich, July 7th, 2023. In January 2022, REMA TIP TOP acquired Polytechna AG, strengthening its position in the Swiss conveyor technology market. In this interview, Petra Vontz, Managing Director at REMA TIP TOP Switzerland, provides an initial assessment and explains how customers of both companies benefit from the acquisition.

Repair of Truck Tires with PREMIUM Repair Patches

Nahaufnahme von Hand mit Gummihandschuhen, die Autoreifen bürstet

Poing, near Munich, May 24th, 2023. REMA TIP TOP was the first company in the world to launch a tire repair patch with a bimodal bonding layer for exceptionally strong initial adhesion. This patch can also be used to repair truck tires quickly, reliably and without any loss of performance.

Interview: Cleaning Conveyor Belts, Minimizing Maintenance Effort

Nahaufnahme Förderband

Nauen, 17. Mai 2023. Saubere Oberflächen von Fördergurten sind eine Grundvoraussetzung für einen reibungslosen Betrieb. Es gilt, Anbackungen am Gurt zu vermeiden, denn Verunreinigungen führen zu hohem Wartungsaufwand bis hin zum Anlagenstillstand. Adam Puchalla, Produktmanager bei REMA TIP TOP, entwickelt seit über 25 Jahren Lösungen für die effiziente Reinigung von Fördergurten.

Acquisition: REMA TIP TOP Strengthens Position in Germany


Poing near Munich, May 04, 2023: H. Gulichs Nachf. Fördertechnik GmbH, a company of the globally active REMA TIP TOP Group, is taking over the conveyor technology division of Knapheide GmbH Hydraulik-Systeme. With the takeover, REMA TIP TOP is expanding its production capacities for high-quality conveyor belts in Germany.