We do not tolerate violations of the law of any kind – be it corruption, fraud, theft, illegal agreements or other illegal activities – nor do we tolerate discrimination or violations of our internal regulations, in particular our Code of Conduct.
Both our employees and external third parties have the option of reporting violations anonymously and confidentially, including incidents in the supply chain.
This is possible via various communication channels:
OWG Whistleblower System (IT tool)
At https://owg.grc-cloud.de/meldung incidents can be reported 24 hours a day and, of course, anonymously in German and English.
Reports can be made by telephone in German and English on +49 8121 707-17332 during normal business hours (Mon to Thu 9am to 5pm, Fri 9am to 12am).
Please send any information by post to
OWG Beteiligungs AG, Legal Department, Gruber Str. 65, 85586 Poing / Germany
A personal meeting is also possible at the request of the whistleblower.
All incoming reports will be carefully checked by us. If necessary, we will take action to remedy the situation. At the same time, we use the reports to continuously improve our compliance system.
We ensure that we do not take any measures to identify anonymous whistleblowers, provided that our whistleblower system is not used in abuse of the law.
You can find all information on submitting and processing reports in our procedural regulations .
Whistleblowers can find all information on data protection in our Privacy Policy.