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Our REMAsters

Ramon Rühmer

Industrial Painter - Foreman at KWC
“Finding the best solution every day - that's what drives me.”

I joined REMA TIP TOP in 2008 and work as an industrial painter and foreman in the tank car center. My tasks include not only painting and coating surfaces, but also planning, coordinating and leading my team. I find the challenge of solving difficult tasks together and developing efficient processes particularly exciting.

I enjoy the variety of my work, as each job has different requirements and I can always use new techniques. The close cooperation with my colleagues and the opportunity to contribute my own ideas make my job particularly exciting.

What motivates me most is when I can successfully pass on my expertise to trainees, employees, or even career changers, and our team overcomes challenges together, resulting in a high-quality end product.

Get to know our REMAsters.

Andreas Wilke

Production Manager

Andreas Clemens

Application engineer / Product manager

Patrick Schmalfuß

Plant Manager