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Rubber Linings – Unvulcanized

Rema Surface Protection Product Wear protection Vulcanization

Easy vulcanization on-site

Our unvulcanized rubber linings are rubber sheets that are unvulcanized when applied to the prepared component substrate and then vulcanized in an autoclave with steam and hot air. Additionally, we offer rubber linings that can be vulcanized without an autoclave using hot water, steam or hot air, as well as rubber linings that are self-vulcanizing after application when in contact with process media during equipment operation. Our rubber linings provide excellent protection for autoclavable and transportable components such as piping, flue gas scrubbers, quenching towers, Venturi scrubbers, filter housings, storage vessels, reaction and pickling lines, centrifuges, road and rail tanks, vessels, pumps and fittings, and rollers and drums. They are an excellent choice not only for protection against chemical exposure to acids, alkalis and salt solutions, which become more potent with increasing temperature and temperature change, but also against mechanical stress.

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