Poing near Munich, November 4th 2021. REMA TIP TOP is the first company worldwide to launch a tire repair patch with an innovative bimodal bonding layer. The "Made in Germany" quality product developed in-house features exceptionally high initial adhesion as well as significantly improved structural strength. The professional manufacturer and supplier of system solutions from Bavaria has applied for a patent on the special mixture of several types of rubber in the bimodal bonding layer. The new PREMIUM line will be available early 2022.
The new PREMIUM line featuring the 100, 300, 400 and 500 series replaces the previous REMA TIP TOP repair patches. In-house specialists have designed the new patches with improved adhesion and structural strength in mind. "To achieve this, they have developed a bimodal bonding layer from a combination of different types of rubber, which has never been seen before," explains Ludwig Ketzer, Head of Global Product Management Automotive at REMA TIP TOP. "This compound layer ensures an exceptionally high Green Tack, the initial adhesion to the tire." The patent has already been applied for says Ludwig Ketzer.
Since tire repair patches are an essential segment of REMA TIP TOP's automotive portfolio, the nearly 100-year-old company has put its extensive expertise from various divisions into product development. The patch line was designed specifically for tire retreading, professional tire repair, and fleet operations. The scope of application includes tires of passenger cars, light vans and trucks as well as tires of industrial, agricultural and off-the-road vehicles.
"Tire damage can occur in many different situations," explains Ludwig Ketzer. "In all cases the repair to restore mobility must be done professionally, reliably and absolutely safely - a flaw can result in serious consequences. It was therefore, very important once again to significantly improve adhesion and performance with our new patch line. That's why, for example, our product far exceeds the quality criteria of ECE standard 108/109 for retreaded car and truck tires."
Customers who order the PREMIUM patch also receive a comprehensive service package in addition to the product, consisting of training in the company's own training center, the REMA TIP TOP ACADEMY, access to the global network of experts, technical advice and instruction, both on-site and virtual.
The PREMIUM line is produced exclusively in Germany utilising only the best raw materials. Depending on the chosen model, the customer can repair without solvents. "Our goal is to make tire repair even safer and more sustainable and to increase productivity and the performance of retreaded tires," says Helena Sabo, Head of International Sales & GKM. Not least, with the new PREMIUM patches, REMA TIP TOP contributes to more sustainability, environmental and climate protection in line with the company's motto "Preserve rather than Replace". On the one hand, tire repair saves raw materials because new tires are not required and on the other hand, it saves waste because tire disposal is avoided.
For more information on the PREMIUM patch line, please visit premiumline.rema-tiptop.com.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Ludwig Ketzer, Head of Global Product Management Automotive
Telefon: +49 8121 707-100
Helena Sabo, Head of International Sales & GKM
E-Mail: premiumline@tiptop.de
For more information on the company please visit www.rema-tiptop.com.
REMA TIP TOP is a globally operating system provider of services and products in the field of conveying and treatment technology as well as tire repair. The company has a global service network and offersn a wide range of rubber products, linings and coatings for both the industrial and automotive sectors. Over almost a hundred years, the company has built up unique expertise in materials development and industrial services and is active in the belting, material processing, surface protection and automotive sectors. At the end of the 2020 financial year, REMA TIP TOP generated sales of about 1 billion euros. Worldwide the company employs 8,000 employees and has more than 180 subsidiaries and associated companies – including well known brands such as Dunlop Belting Products South Africa and Asplit.