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Repair of Truck Tires with PREMIUM Repair Patches

Nahaufnahme von Hand mit Gummihandschuhen, die Autoreifen bürstet

Poing, near Munich, May 24th, 2023. REMA TIP TOP was the first company in the world to launch a tire repair patch with a bimodal bonding layer for exceptionally strong initial adhesion. This patch can also be used to repair truck tires quickly, reliably and without any loss of performance.

Repairing truck tires is essential to preserve their longevity and avoid expensive replacements. Typical sidewall injuries such as punctures, cuts and curb impacts can significantly affect tire performance and require immediate repair.

However, truck tire repair shops often hesitate to repair damage to the truck tire sidewall fearing risks such as bulging or lack of profitability. However, a bulge, which usually cannot be completely prevented, does not pose any safety-related limitations. In general, the most common tire damages are thus repairable after a professional analysis.

REMA TIP TOP PREMIUM line patches minimize bulges in truck tire sidewalls. Thanks to the bimodal bonding layer, for which a patent is pending, they are characterized by exceptionally high initial adhesion as well as special structural strength. They are available for both radial and diagonal tires.

PREMIUM repair patches RAD 300 steel cord and RAD 500 aramid are particularly suitable for the tire sidewall. Repair of side damages on radial truck tires is both environmentally friendly and saves resources. The relevant original repair tables of REMA TIP TOP apply as parameters of reparability. "Especially in light of the current pricing of truck tires, repair is highly attractive. The price of a truck side repair is up to 25% of that of a new truck tire," says Gerhard Hieber, Product Manager Automotive at REMA TIP TOP.

All repair material featuring a bimodal bonding layer are produced by REMA TIP TOP exclusively in Germany. Both the RAD and PN patch series are certified for cars and trucks according to ECE-R 108/109. For quick repairs, REMA TIP TOP also offers the TÜV-certified MINICOMBI.

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