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Our REMAsters

Tobias Braun

General Manager

“For me, management means bringing together different disciplines and designing solutions.”

I have been with the company since 2019, and my role involves coordinating various business areas. As Managing Director, it is my responsibility to foster an environment conducive to the growth and development of innovative ideas. I find it particularly rewarding to collaborate with a diverse range of individuals from different areas and cultures. Through our collective efforts, we formulate strategies that are not only effective in the short term but also resilient in the long term.

My core competencies include management, intercultural networking, and the design and implementation of change processes. I value my challenging position, the wide-ranging responsibility it entails, and the exciting industrial and international environment that offers me the opportunity to create new perspectives and make sustainable business decisions.

My work contributes to the solutions we provide to our customers, enabling the more sustainable operation of production facilities and direct protection of the environment from harmful effects. I am particularly pleased when our customers and partners trust us and recognize our solutions as the highest quality available.

Get to know our REMAsters.

Kirstin Kanold-Schröter

Product manager / Application engineer

Maximilian Richter

Quality assurance staff

Jeannette Kiunke

Assistant to the management